  • 黃胤唐 副教授

    黃胤唐 副教授
    電話(07)361-7141  分機23814,23833
    辦公室厚生樓 六樓 620-2


    研究領域 Research Interests
    由於台灣的土地資源有限,養殖戶絕大部分是採用高密度集約式養殖,但水體的更換有限,導致水體中累積大量的有害含氮廢物-亞硝酸,而導致養殖生物的大量死亡。目前降解亞硝酸的細菌可分成三大類:硝化菌、反硝化作用細菌和亞硝酸同化作用細菌(NAB),其中以NAB最具開發與應用潛力。本實驗室目前篩選出三株NAB- Shewanella sp.、Pantoea sp.和Pseudomonas sp.,經田野測試這三株菌皆能有效地降解亞硝酸,還能穩定藻色及刺激養殖生物的生長,和增加換肉率,但其詳細的作用機轉,則須更進一步的研究。
    由於台灣的土地資源有限,養殖戶絕大部分是採用高密度集約式養殖,除導致水質容易惡化外,且容易引起疾病大量爆發。疫苗是目前預防疾病最有效的方法之一,因此,本實驗室利用益生菌- Pseudomonas sp.來攜帶蝦類白點症的口服疫苗,經實驗發現,此疫苗可以很有效的抑制WSSV感染草蝦,其詳細的抑制機轉則須進一步研究,此外,此疫苗則將進行田野測試,藉以確定其功效及未來的應用潛力。


    著作 Publications
    (一)國際期刊論文 International Journal Papers
    Huang, C. Y., Chen, Jeff Y. F., Wu, J. E., Pu, Y. E., Liu, G. Y., Pan M. H., Huang Y. T., Huang, A. M., Hwang C. C., Chung S. J. and Hour T. C.* (2010)Ling-Zhi polysaccharides potentiates cytotoxic effects of anti-cancer drugs against drug-resistant urothelial carcinoma cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 8798-8805.
    Huang, Y. T., Huang, Y. H., Hour, T. C., Pan, B. S., Liu, Y. C. and Pan, M. H. (2006) Apoptosis-inducing active components from Corbicula fluminea through activation of caspase-2 and production of reactive oxygen species in human leukemia HL-60 cells. Food Chem. Toxicol. 44:1261-1272.
    Cheng, A. C., Huang, T. C., Lai, C. S., Kuo, J. M., Huang, Y. T., Lo. C. Y., Ho, C. T. and Pan, M. H. (2006) Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate inhibition of luteolin-induced apoptosis through up-regulated phosphorylation of Akt and caspase-9 in human leukemia HL-60 cells. J Agric Food Chem. 54:4215-4221.
    Kandaswami C, Lee L.T., Lee H P.-P, Hwang J.-J, Ke F.-C, Huang Y.T., Lee M.-T.*. (2005) The antitumor activities of flavonoids. In vivo, 19: 895-910.
    Huang Y.T., Lee L.T., Lee H P.-P, Lin Y.S., and Lee M.T.*. (2005) Targeting of focal adhesion kinase by flavonoids and small-interfering RNAs. Anticancer Res., 25: 2017-2026.
    Lee L.T.*, Huang Y.T.*, Hwang J.-J., Lee Y-L. Amy., Ke, F.C., Huang, C.-J., Chithan Kandaswami, C., Lee, P.-P., Lee, M-T. (2004) Transinactivation of EGFR tyrosine kinase by the dietary flavonoids decreases focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation and inhibits invasive potential of human carcinoma cells. Biochemical Pharmacol., 67: 2103-2114. (* equal contribution).