(一)國際期刊論文 International Journal Papers
Lin, T. H., Hsu, W. H., Tsai, P. H., Huang, Y. T., Lin, C. W., Chen, K. C.,& Lee, M. T. (2017). Dietary flavonoids, luteolin and quercetin, inhibit invasion of cervical cancer by reduction of UBE2S through epithelial–mesenchymal transition signaling. Food & Function, 8(4), 1558-1568.
Tsai, P. H., Cheng, C. H., Lin, C. Y., Huang, Y. T., Lee, L. T., Kandaswami, C. C., & Ke, F. C. (2016). Dietary flavonoids luteolin and quercetin suppressed cancer stem cell properties and metastatic potential of isolated prostate cancer cells. Anticancer research, 36(12), 6367-6380.
Huang, C. Y., Chen, Jeff Y. F., Wu, J. E., Pu, Y. E., Liu, G. Y., Pan M. H., Huang Y. T., Huang, A. M., Hwang C. C., Chung S. J. and Hour T. C.* (2010)Ling-Zhi polysaccharides potentiates cytotoxic effects of anti-cancer drugs against drug-resistant urothelial carcinoma cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 8798-8805.
Huang, Y. T., Huang, Y. H., Hour, T. C., Pan, B. S., Liu, Y. C. and Pan, M. H. (2006) Apoptosis-inducing active components from Corbicula fluminea through activation of caspase-2 and production of reactive oxygen species in human leukemia HL-60 cells. Food Chem. Toxicol. 44:1261-1272.
Cheng, A. C., Huang, T. C., Lai, C. S., Kuo, J. M., Huang, Y. T., Lo. C. Y., Ho, C. T. and Pan, M. H. (2006) Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate inhibition of luteolin-induced apoptosis through up-regulated phosphorylation of Akt and caspase-9 in human leukemia HL-60 cells. J Agric Food Chem. 54:4215-4221.
Kandaswami C, Lee L.T., Lee H P.-P, Hwang J.-J, Ke F.-C, Huang Y.T., Lee M.-T.*. (2005) The antitumor activities of flavonoids. In vivo, 19: 895-910.
Huang Y.T., Lee L.T., Lee H P.-P, Lin Y.S., and Lee M.T.*. (2005) Targeting of focal adhesion kinase by flavonoids and small-interfering RNAs. Anticancer Res., 25: 2017-2026.
Lee L.T.*, Huang Y.T.*, Hwang J.-J., Lee Y-L. Amy., Ke, F.C., Huang, C.-J., Chithan Kandaswami, C., Lee, P.-P., Lee, M-T. (2004) Transinactivation of EGFR tyrosine kinase by the dietary flavonoids decreases focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation and inhibits invasive potential of human carcinoma cells. Biochemical Pharmacol., 67: 2103-2114. (* equal contribution).